Monday, September 29, 2008


I had to say goodbye to my good friend, Lola, last week. She moved about 60 miles away to Indianola.

Lola is a very special lady - she is an angel on earth. She was one of my Mother's best friends. I didn't meet her until I moved back to Corydon 4 years ago. She never had any children of her own but is a special aunt to her nieces and nephews. Lola "adopts" almost everyone she meets. She is a people person.

Lola has done so much for our little community and much of it anonymously, but everyone who meets her soon learns what a huge heart she has for doing the Lord's work. If she hears of a need, she will find a way to do what she can to alleviate the situation.

I really got to know Lola during my Mother's last weeks of life. Lola was always there to help in any way she could. She was always bringing us treats to tempt my Mother's appetite. If I needed to run an errand or just get away for a while, and it wasn't a day for a Hospice volunteer to come, I could always call on Lola and she would be right here. She never turned me down.

The night Mother died, even though she didn't like to get out at night, she came right down and would have spent the night with me if my cousin hadn't been able to stay. They didn't think I should stay alone, even though I told them I wasn't alone.

Lola has helped me in so many ways, too numerous to mention and then there is the special connection with my Mother. I think Lola misses her almost as much as I do.

Lola's health has declined and she is pretty much house bound and she was lonely. People stopped in to visit with her because she is so loved but everyone has their own lives and they get busy and don't get a chance to see her as much as they'd like. She was so active and so involved. She had made the decision that she needed to be in an assisted living facility. We have a wonderful one here in town but they don't allow pets and Lola has Lucky, her dog, her baby and she had to be somewhere that she could take him. That's why she moved to Indianola - she could have Lucky with her.

Lola moved last Thursday and it has been a sad time. Knowing she made the best decision for herself helps but it meant a lot to have her here in town and still connected. I will miss her.


Princess S said...

It is always sad when friends are off on new adventures and we get left behind....but we are with our friends in thier hearts so we in turn are on the adventure with them. I love Lola too, she is a very special lady!!!!

missy said...

oh that is so sad that you have lost your friend...but always know she is only a phone call away!!! and if you go to visit please know you are more that welcome to come hang out here so you can take a break..or i could drive to Indianola and we could have lunch!! keep me in mind..getting excited about the party!!!